Waikato Hockey


07 838 0485

Sponsor Opportunities

Waikato Hockey has some amazing advertising opportunities available to help maximize business exposure, lift your profile or highlight your support for our sport.

Team Dug Outs.

Adjacent to both Turf One and Turf Two these structures offer exposure to both of our center’s premier playing turfs. Two spaces are available on each turf with Turf One facing towards the playing pavilion and Turf two also including exposure to the Hamilton Lakeside and its over 9000 vehicles that drive past each day.

Team Dug Out Sponsorship $5,000pa

Playing Turf Banners.

These individual signs are designed to fit a 2.4x 700 scale and can be positioned around the two turfs highlighting your business and its support of Waikato Hockey, its players, and families. Seen by over 110,000 visitors to the center each year and the 5500 registered Players and all schools that use our site these banners over great value for money and exceptional reach.

Playing Turf Sponsorship $2,500pa

Turf One & Two (under contract)

Waikato’s premier playing surface is available for the first time in many years. Home to all of the representative Waikato teams, host to national tournaments as well as international test matches, this area offers a unique exposure point for any business including live broadcast, naming rights, and digital and social coverage.

For information on how to build a sponsor package to maximize your exposure, reach out:

Shelley Bishop | Acting CEO  |  ceo@waikatohockey.org.nz  |  021 461 240