Waikato Hockey


07 838 0485


Masters Hockey in the Waikato

National Masters' Tournament 2025 | Sunday 23 Feb - Saturday 1 March | Whangarei

Each year Waikato Hockey enters hockey teams into the NZ Masters Hockey Tournament.  The tournament is played at a high level with a focus on social gatherings a sportsmanship.

Waikato holds musters and provides training space each Sunday in a build up to this tournament.

Register your interest for the National Masters Hockey Tournament in Wellington 2024.

LATE REGISTRATIONS will only be accepted with approval from Waikato Hockey.

First Muster is Sunday 6th October, 2pm – 4pm at Gallagher Hockey Centre.

Age groups may be combined if insufficient numbers to form a team in a particular division. Likewise if there are too many players, trials may be required.

How old do I have to be to play Masters Hockey?

There are a number of age groups for both men’s and women’s teams.

The age groups are:

    • 35 to 40
    • 40 to 45
    • 45 to 50
    • 50 to 55
    • 55 to 60
    • 60 to 65
    • 65 plus

For more information visit the site below.

Hockey NZ Masters

How do I get involved?

To get involved contact Waikato Hockey and we will help you out.

Upcoming Masters Dates/Events

Photo Galleries

Waikato Mens 45s & Womens 40s (29 Feb 2020)


Waikato Mens 35s & 45s (28 Feb 2020)


Waikato Mens 45s vs Hawkes Bay (27 Feb 2020)

All galleries shown here are credited to Kim Wihare Pics.



How did Waikato go in 2020?

This year our Waikato Masters Womens 40 to 45 team played in the final and ended up getting placed 2nd.  They had a great tournament and had a lot of support from family and the other masters teams.

 2020 National Masters Womens 40+

Waikato Hockey Masters 2020 Teams

 Waikato Masters Mens 35 to 40 team

 Waikato Masters Womens 40 to 45 team

 Waikato Masters Mens 45 to 50 team

 Kaimai Masters Mens 65+ team