2007 – Graeme Haste: FIH Leadership Award
2005 – Duncan Kerr: FIH Global Youth Leadership Award
2005 – E Snodgrass: FIH Global Youth Leadership Award
2005 – B Nichol: FIH Global Youth Leadership Award
1994 – Chica Gilmer: FIH DIP of Merit
Chica Gilmer began her involvement in hockey as player, coach, selector and manager, in the 1950’s and combined that with umpiring gaining her National A Badge in 1959. In 1975 she gained her International umpire accreditation at the IFWHA tournament in Edinburgh.
Chica then turned her talents to the technical aspects of hockey and gained prominence as a Tournament Director and Judge in the 1980’s and early 90’s, most notably as TD for the Women’s World Cup in Malaysia in 1983, TD for the FIH Women’s World Cup in Holland in 1986, and Assistant TD at 1991 Olympic Qualifier in New Zealand. No doubt her highlight would be her appointment as Judge to the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984, but she also judged at the 1989 Champions Trophy in Frankfurt, and was a member of the Jury of Appeal at the 1990 Women’s World Cup in Sydney.
Chica has been a President of the New Zealand Women’s Hockey Association, President and Life Member of the New Zealand Women’s Hockey Umpires Association, and was a Life Member of the New Zealand Hockey Federation.
In 1980 Chica was appointed to the IFWHA Technical Committee and followed that with appointment to the FIH Technical Committee, a position she held until 1993.
For her services to hockey, Chica was awarded the FIH Diploma of Merit in 1994.
Chica is photographed here in 2008 awarding now Hockey Foundation Ambassador Samantha Charlton, with the Winners Trophy for the Chica Gilmer Secondary School Girls Tournament.
Waikato Hockey Association
Gallagher Hockey Centre
Innes Common, PO Box 820, Hamilton
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